I spend a lot of time thinking of new ways to extend WordPress. When I come up with a particularly nifty idea, I wrap it in a plugin. Below are the plugins I've added to the official WordPress.org repository for public use.
Facebook Dashboard (1.0.1)
Add a dashboard widget for interacting with Facebook.
JS Banner Rotate (2.0.2)
Create a JavaScript-driven rotating banner image on your WordPress site.
MiniPress (0.5)
Automatically concatenates and minifies all enqueued scripts upon pageload.
RegLevel (1.2.1)
Set an alternate registration URL for a subset of users who need a different role on registration.
Rotating Image Widget (1.1.3)
Create a jQuery-driven rotating image sidebar widget.
WP Core Contributions Widget (1.2.2)
Add a list of your accepted contributions to WordPress Core as a sidebar widget.
WP Publication Archive (3.0.1)
Allows users to upload, manage, search, and download publications, documents, and similar content (PDF, Power-Point, etc.).
WP Session Manager (1.1.2)
Prototype session management for WordPress.