WP Session Manager

Adds $_SESSION-like functionality to WordPress.

Every visitor, logged in or not, will be issued an instance of WP_Session. Their instance will be identified by an ID
stored in the _wp_session cookie. Typically, session data will be stored in a WordPress transient, but if your
installation has a caching system in-place (i.e. memcached), the session data might be stored in memory.

This provides plugin and theme authors the ability to use WordPress-managed session variables without having to use the
standard PHP $_SESSION superglobal.


Latest version: [zip]

WP Session Manager has been downloaded 9115 times so far!


Manual Installation

  1. Upload the entire /wp-session-manager folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Use WP_Session::get_instance() in your code.



  • Fix a race condition where session expiration options could accidentally be set to autoload
  • Make the garbage collection routine run hourly to alleviate long-running tasks on larger sites


  • Fix a bug where session expiration was not properly set upon instantiation


  • Implement Recursive_ArrayAccess to provide multidimensional array support
  • Better expiration for session data
  • Implement garbage collection to keep the database clean


  • Switch to object persistence rather than transients


  • Changes implementation to avoid the use of a global variable (still registered for convenience)


  • First version